Soil-EnergyGro Organic fertilizer to improve soil
Soil-EnergyGro Organic fertilizer to improve soil
Soil-EnergyGro is natural product designed and developed to increases soil microbial colonization and activity, nutrients absorption, enhances cation exchange capacity (CEC) and improves physical and chemical properties of the soil. the main functions are : Retain water,Retain Nutrition Resist drought. Resist coldness Remove salty stress Promote rooting Improve&care soil
Soil-EnergyGro is natural product designed and developed to increases soil microbial colonization and activity, nutrients absorption, enhances cation exchange capacity (CEC) and improves physical and chemical properties of the soil.
It can be used as polyelectrolyte in dispersion system, and has the functions of coagulation, colloidal solution, dispersion, etc, has a certain number of free radicals, which have physiological activity. Soil-EnergyGro is applied for soils that contain low organic matter to protect it from nutrients deficiencies symptoms.

Soil-EnergyGro is a special natural bio-stimulant product with organic matter, humic acid, plant extracted Polysaccharide, bio-fulvic acid, small-molecular organic carbon and phyto-proteins, and the main raw materials is made from the high-deep layered active natural Leonardite.
Soil-EnergyGro is composed of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur. The molecular structure contains carboxyl, carbonyl, quinone, phenolic hydroxyl and other active functional groups.
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