• Propyl Dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 98%, 5%SL
  • Propyl Dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 98%, 5%SL

Propyl Dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 98%, 5%SL

  • Better coloring; better saccharification;
  • Good shape; better shape, better taste, higher quality, higher yield.
  • Propyl dihydro jasmonic acid (PDJ/jasmonate) is a derivative of plant endogenous hormone jasmonic acid, which mainly reaches the fruit through the conduction of vascular bundles. As a plant stress resistant substance, the endogenous hormone jasmonic acid can quickly spread and express in plants, promote the synthesis and advance expression of ethylene and abscisic acid, catalyze the synthesis of anthocyanins and carotenes in fruits, enhance anthocyanin accumulation, and improve the antioxidant capacity of fruits, which can promote redness and coloring, Increase sugar and sweetness, shorten fruit ripening period.
  • Propyl Dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 98%, 5%SL

Functional characteristics of propyl dihydro jasmonate(PDJ):

1: It can improve root activity and leaf nitrate reductase activity, increase chlorophyll content and soluble protein content in fruits, enhance photosynthesis, and promote plant health.

2: Promote the synthesis and expression of ethylene and abscisic acid in plants, promote anthocyanin synthesis, and have a significant effect on promoting red coloring.

3: Promote the absorption of nutrients and glucose transport by plants, increase sugar acid ratio, improve fruit sweetness, and improve fruit quality.

4: Improve crop stress resistance, cold and drought resistance, disease resistance, and increase yield and income.

Advantages of Propyl dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) compared to other products:

  1. Potassium dihydrogen phosphate: Supplementing phosphorus and potassium elements, promoting coloring, low cost, but the effect is very average.
  2. Ethephon: fast coloring and good effect. spray on leaves is convenient and relatively cheap. However,there are strict requirements for the concentration used. When used, it can cause leaf aging, cracking, soft fruit falling, and other phenomena, which are prone to residue and affect the growth of the next crop.
  3. Abscisic acid: Coloring is fast, does not affect leaf photosynthesis, does not reduce fruit sugar content, and does not soften fruit grains. But only the fruit surface spray, leaf spray effect is very poor; Excessive use can easily cause fruit detachment; Improper use can cause uneven coloring, and excessive use of colors can turn purple and black, which can only promote coloring, not ripening, and affect the taste.
  4. Propyl dihydrojasmonate(PDJ):
  5. easy applicationsoperation, suitable for whole plant spray, high safety.
  6. Promote fruit coloring while preventing and resisting diseases, and have resistance to many fungal, bacterial, and viral diseases that are prone to fruit damage.
  7. Fully colored, no flower face fruit, naturally colored, without turning green, soft, or peeling.
  8. Increase sugar acid ratio, improve fruit color, sweeten and improve taste, and increase fruit quality.
  9. Spraying multiple crops throughout the plant does not affect the swelling of young fruits, damage young fruits, or damage leaves.


Propyl dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) Main Target crops used:

1: Used for grapes, peaches, apples, winter dates, tomatoes, and other colored fruits that are not soft or cracked, and mature early (widely used)

2: Used for cold resistance, drought resistance, and virus resistance in rice, wheat, etc. (high cost not recommended)

3: Low concentration root application promotes rooting (conventional cheap rooting agents are sufficient).

Dosage for Propyl dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 5%SL for Victoria grapes,red globe,Kyoho grape: by 300-500 times water dilutions,by foliar spraying the whole plant including the fruits.

General applications stages for grapes:

Earlier coloring stage(10-15% coloring):    

7-14 days after the earlier coloring stage

Before 15-20days picking period( for the long coloring variety):

1: For the Victoria grape: 250 times water dilution for Victoria grape by spraying at the 30-40% starting coloring, interval 14days. The effects: uniform coloring and good shape, and good taste.

2: For Red Globe grape: at the mid of coloring stage, 250 times water dilution to spraying and after 8 days: the uniform coloring, good taste.

3: For the Kyoho grape: at the earlier coloring stage at 500 times water dilution to spray on the fully foliar spraying, and then 8 days later at the 300 times dilution water spraying, and after 18days, the grape is ripe and good uniform coloring and good shape and good taste.

Dosage for Propyl dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 5%SL for apples:

by 200-400 times water dilutions,by foliar spraying the whole plant including the fruits at the earlier and mid coloring stages.

Dosage for Propyl dihydro jasmonate(PDJ) 5%SL for peach:

by 300-500 times water dilutions,by foliar spraying the whole plant including the fruits at the earlier and mid coloring stages.

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